Graduate Talks

These videos are the talks given by the women who participated in The School for The Well Spoken Woman LIVE! in San Francisco and New York City. Watch. Be inspired. Share with the world.


Renee Martin

Renee Martin on Having it All

Marty Baker Williams

The Authentic Self

Melissa Thomas-Fernandez

One Percent

Andrea Nakayama

Action Potential: Sparking the Change in Health Care

Regena Thomashauer

Woman Thought Leader of the Year 2012

Elissa Ashwood

Controlling the Uncontrollable

Jessica Procini

How to Press ‘Play’ on Losing Weight

Elan McAllister

In the Beginning

Jennifer Eve Slepin

The Power of Mother

Jessica Drummond

Transforming Girls into Women

Katherine Collins

Saved by the Bee

Alissa Iida

Embracing the SWAN Within

Laurie Erdman

Harnessing the Energy of A Wake Up Call

Suzanne Saidi

From Spit to Shine

Noel Descalzi

How to Transform your Relationship with your Weight

Nisha Moodley

Women and Freedom

Erin Findley

Hope and Transformation: From Obesity to Fitness

Kathleen McGregor

You are Not Alone

Jessica Libbey

The World Wants All of You